EXCEL IF() Statement?



As a first time "poster" — I have a workbook with 2 worksheets. My cel
needs to go and reference the contents of a cell (text or a number) o
the 1st worksheet and check to see if it exists in a column (range
text or numbers,in the other worksheet — if the number is in the list
I need it to print out text. I'm not sure how to do it

Frank Kabel

"print text","not found"),"")

Dave R.

Sounds like you want to compare lists, and if an item is in the other list,
return that item?

if you want your formula on sheet1 to look at items in A1:A100, try in B1
(sheet 1)


and copy it down to B100. This looks in sheet2! at the range A1:A100, and be
sure and use the $ signs so you can copy the formula down without the range

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