Excel: How to forecast 12 months' figures but force a 10% growth?



I had a year's worth of transactions figures, totalled for each month. It
only went up to May so I was able to use the forecast function to project
ahead to June and July. However I now need to project ahead for a whole
'nother year, but assuming that our transactions will go up by 10% in total.
I can't figure out how to project that way. I suppose I know what the total
for the year has to be (e.g. 10% more than the previous year), but I don't
know how to make Excel produce a projection that will chart a 10% growth over
12 months. Someone did suggest that it would involve multiplying by 1.1 (e.g.
110%) but I'm still lost!

Bernie Deitrick


For compound growth of 10% over twelve months, multiply each previous month's cell by 1.1^(1/12),
using a formula like


and then copy down or across for the twelve months.

MS Excel MVP

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