Excel graph problem




I encountered a small problem while drawing a graph with Excel 2003.

I entered X axis and Y axis value and plotted the graph and drawn th
trend line with zero intercept and found the R (regression)squar

In the same graph If I entered X axis with some units (say grams), th
R square value is reduced and even reduced by adding a units to y axi

Please let me why this problem occurs.

Is there a way to correct it.

Thank you,

Ken Johnson

Hi Sainath,
Did you add a g to all of the values into each cell of the column (or
row) of X values?
If that's the case then the x values are no longer recognised and Excel
converts them to number labels 1,2,3 etc. Did you notice the change in
the X axis value labels?
With such a change in the X values the R squared value changes as does
the equation of the trendline.
Does this describe what you have observed? If yes then you should only
type the units Value (X) axis: and Value (Y) axis: boxes under the
Titles tab of the Chart options dialog.

Ken Johnson


Hi Johnson,

Thanks for your response.

As exactly u said, both trendline equation and R square value changes.

Rightnow, I am just using the numbers only.

What should I do if I had to represent the numbers with units without
using the title box.


Ken Johnson

Hi biosainath,
What you can do is format each axis separately.
Say you want your X axis values to look like, for example "50 grams"
(not including the speech marks of course), then
1.double click the X axis to open the Format Axis dialog.
2.Click on that dialog's Number Tab
3.In the Category box: select Custom
4.In the Type box, where you should see General change it to
General"grams".Check that the Sample box shows the correct format.
5. Click OK

Repeat this process with the other axis if needed.

Hope this is what you're after.

The only other way that I know of only gives you the units in the axis
titles, which you can get to, after selecting the chart, Chart>Chart
Options>Titles tab>then type units into Value (X) axis: and Value (Y)
axis boxes.

Ken Johnson


Hi Johnson,

Instead of the "CUSTOM" and "GENERAL", I used Text option.

It was working.

Thats a Lot.:)

U simply solved my problem.




My problem is not so complicated but very frustrating none the less. When
drawing a line in my excel spreadsheet and using line colors to identify
them, if I move down a page or up a page, the lines dissapear? The line and
colors no longer stay put in the spreadsheet? I have not changed anything,
have no viruses so what is going on.

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