Excel gets subtotals out of order using multiple sorts and subtot.



When you use multiple sorts of subgroups to subgroups to subgroups. In prior
Excel versions subtotlas of the biggest groups would be subtotaled first and
you had to choose "Replace Subtotals". After that you unchecked "Replace
Subtotals" when subtotaling subgroups. The cosmetic problem is that it puts
the subgroup's total below the main group's subtotal. The subtotals are
correct, but printing in the wrong order. This is common to the software and
is different than earlier versions of Excel. We have multiple users
experiencing the same problem in Excel 2003 that didn't in 2000. Also if
there is only one line in a subgroup it will print the full line instead of
the summation name and total when printing in subtotals only mode.

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