Excel Formula



Can anyone help me with a formula that looks at mutiple column values and
returns a specific value? Here is an example:

Class I If column 1 is ≤ 3000ppm; and cloumn 2 is ≤ 10ppg; and column 3 is ≤
5%; ≤ 10
Class II If column 1 is > 3000ppm ≤ 10000ppm; and column 2 is > 10ppg ≤
12ppg; and column 3 is > 5% ≤ 10%
Class III If column 1 is > 10000ppm; and column 2 is > 12ppg; and column 3
is > 10

Thanks, Lisa


is this what you are looking for/

II",IF(AND(A1>10000,B1>12,C1>10),"Class III","")))


I dont see anything in there that looks like what the result should be. It
looks like all you have is conditions.

What exactly do you want the formula to do?

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