Excel Formula Help



Hi all I’m new to excel and was wondering if someone would be kind enough to
help me out.

The main worksheet consists of all the data, example: name and totals, I was
wondering if it’s possible when I create a new worksheet that it would list
the person name based on the highest to the lowest totals from the main

Main worksheet consists of:
Cell D2 :D60 = Names
Cell F2 :D69 = Totals

So in worksheet 2 it will automatically list the names based on the main
worksheet data is this possible?

David Biddulph

If you don't get a reply it's usually because your question is not
sufficiently clear for the readers of the group to understand what you want.
If the question had been clear and Excel couldn't do it, you would usually
have been told that. Your question certainly made no sense to me.

Roger Govier

Hi John

I think you need to spell things out a little more clearly as to exactly
what you are wanting.
From your posting, I could not determine exactly what you are wanting to
I take it that F2:D69 is a typo, and you meant F2:F60.

Post back with more detail and maybe we can help you.


Sorry guys let me gives this another try.....

Sheet 1 consists of Names from Cell B2 to B102
and totals from Cell C2 to C102

On sheet 2 I want it to automatically add the names in order based on the
totals from cells C2 to C102 from sheet 1

I hope this is clearer this time.


Roger Govier

Hi John

Then why not copy the data from Sheet 1 to Sheet2.
On sheet2, select columns A and B>data>Sort>column B>Descending


Well the reason behind is the fact there will be multiple sheets over time
and wanted a simple way of adding the codes over the multiple sheets without
doing what you have suggested below everytime a sheet has been added. create
all the sheets at once then anytime the data change the sheet will be listed
based on sheet one totals.


Roger Govier

Hi John

Rather than creating multiple sheets, keep all you data on a single
Add an extra column (D) and enter in that column, whatever it would have
been as the criterion for creating a new sheet.
For example, if you were creating a new sheet for each Month, then have
Name Value Month
aaa 100 Jan
bbb 120 Jan
ccc 130 Jan
aaa 95 Feb

Carry out your sort, based on Column C.
Mark the header and choose Data>Filter>Autofilter.
Using the dropdown arrows on any of the columns, will enable you to show
just that set of data e.g select Month Jun to see all the data relating
to June - which will automatically be in descending order by Value.


Hi Roger

I see what you saying and I appreciate the idea but this is alittle more
then just a monthly thing. Each week I’ll need to create a new spreadsheet
and was really hoping this was possible the way I had asked.

Don’t get me wrong your idea would work but I’ll still need to create a new
sheet and was looking for a formula that would achieve what I was looking for.




Hi Roger

I see what you saying and I appreciate the idea but this is alittle more
then just a monthly thing. Each week I’ll need to create a new spreadsheet
and was really hoping this was possible the way I had asked.

Don’t get me wrong your idea would work but I’ll still need to create a new
sheet and was looking for a formula that would achieve what I was looking for.




You can use LARGE(range,1), LARGE(range,2) etc to get the largest,
second-largest etc value in your range of totals, and from this you
can use an INDEX/MATCH combination to get the name that corresponds to
the largest, next largest etc. Thus you can effectively sort the data
by formula in a different sheet.

However, the formulae will be referring to another sheet, so if you
introduce a new sheet with new data on it, then all the formulae will
need to be changed. You can do this quite easily with Find & Replace
to change Sheet1 to Sheet2, for example, or by including INDIRECT in
your formulae and picking up the sheet name from a cell somewhere.

Hope this gives you some pointers.


Roger Govier

Hi John

Sorry to be so persistent on this one.
Why do you need a separate sheet for each week?
Is it that you need to send the weekly sheet of data to others?

If the latter, then you can use Advanced Filter to extract any set of
data to any other sheet.
You could use just one extra sheet, and whatever value you key in for
the dates required, it would pull across just that week's data, which
would be replaced when you typed another date. Or, you could pull the
data across to a set of individual sheets.

Using Advanced Filter to extract data to another sheet, you must start
the process from the Destination sheet.
For more help with Advanced Filter take a look at Debra Dalgleish's site

There is a sample workbook available at the bottom of that sheet.

The whole process can be automated with a macro if required.

If you want to do it starting from several sheets and combining the
data, you will need some VBA code to bring the data together to one
Whilst writing this, it has suddenly struck me that you did not say
whether the overall sheet was to based upon Cumulative data for each
person, or for all of their individual sheet results.
If you are wanting consolidated data for each person for your summary,
then there is a built in function.

on your Summary sheet, select columns B:D>Data>Consolidate>Sum>Give the
range for each of the sheets of source data
Tick Use labels in Top row and Left Column.


WOW what you have explained to me here means absolutely nothing to me. Sorry
I’m very new with excel. But from what your saying this can be done, could
you be kind enough to show me an example?


I have already created the sheets that are required, was looking for an
easier way of having the name listed based on Summary sheet (sheet1) highest
to lowest totals.

So the only thing I would have to do is added the data into sheet2 under the
person name and it will recalculate the totals and have the name rest in
correct order throughout all worksheets created.

Roger Govier

Hi John

Then it would have to be done with VB.If you want to mail me direct with
a copy of your workbook, and detailed instructions of what you want to
achieve, then I will see if I can set it up for you.

To send direct email to roger at technologyNOSPAM4u.co.uk
Do the obvious with the "at" and remove NOSPAM from the address.

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