excel employee schedule



I am making an employee schedule names down the left days on the top
i want to schedule justin 7-5 m-f and i want to have a total hours colum, so
I am looking for a function that would make 7-5 = a 10 hour day and have it
also subtract either a 1 or 1/2 hr lunch so the total should = 45 hours


Sorry, but I doubt anyone is going to reply to this. Take your time and
rewrite the question. What does the table of data you are working with
look like, what is this function supposed to do with it exactly? When
is 1 hour deducted and when is a half hour deducted and from what? A
total hours column is a total of what things exactly ( Time off, Time
at work, Time worked so far, total hours of all staff, total hours by
one staff member this week, this month???)?



Some hints:

Set your Start and Time formats to HH:MM [with 24 hour clock] and use the
following formula to calculate the hours for each day:

=(EndTime-StartTime +(EndTime<StartTime))*24

This will allow for night shifts i.e. start at 22:00 and finish at 08:00

If there can be different shifts on each day then you will need columns for
Start/End Times for each day plus column for hours worked.

Similarly, you will need a lunch column per day unless lunch is constant for
all days.

Formula to calcluate daily hours could be:

=(EndTime-StartTime +(EndTime<StartTime))*24-LunchTime


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