Excel --->db IV



I have a geocoding program that requires me to save my spreadsheet to a db IV
file in order to import it into the program and process. The problem is
this: I have to set the column with zip codes to a required fixed width of 5
AND it must be named "ZIP". I set the width to 5 and change the header name
to 'ZIP' and then save as db IV. When I reopen it, the header name is no
longer 'ZIP' (the cell content remains 'ZIP', but the name box has changed
back to the default of 'H1'.

How do I make the changes to th the header name stay?


Earl Kiosterud

I don't have DB IV, but with a typical database table in Excel, you have the field names in
the first row, not the name box. Put ZIP in cell H1 and see what happens. The first actual
record will be in row 2, etc.

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