Excel data into Powerpoint



I would like help in merging data from Excel into a PPT presentation.
I have a feeling that the answer is a VB macro, which I know nothing
about but would like direction on where to learn this (spelled our for
"dummies" like me please)

Here is what I am trying to accomplish:
I'd like to use constants throughout the PPT and populate the data to
be used in Excel.

So for example in my excel file I would like to have a file with:

Then in the PPT regardless of where I place $CONSTANT 1$, I want to see
it displayed as ABC.

The ideal would be to do this task in the "Notes" Section of PPT,
however, if it will be ok if it will only work in the "slide" section.

Thanks for any advice or referrals you can provide.

Steve Rindsberg

I would like help in merging data from Excel into a PPT presentation.
I have a feeling that the answer is a VB macro, which I know nothing
about but would like direction on where to learn this (spelled our for
"dummies" like me please)

Here is what I am trying to accomplish:
I'd like to use constants throughout the PPT and populate the data to
be used in Excel.

So for example in my excel file I would like to have a file with:

Then in the PPT regardless of where I place $CONSTANT 1$, I want to see
it displayed as ABC.

The ideal would be to do this task in the "Notes" Section of PPT,
however, if it will be ok if it will only work in the "slide" section.

Depending on what you want to end up with, there are a couple ways of going
about it.

1) You can link information from Excel to PPT.
When you change the data in Excel, it updates in PPT the next time the
presentation is opened.

2) Perhaps something more like what you've described ... there are several
third party PPT add-ins or programs that allow you to do, in effect, mail
merges from Excel or other data sources to PPT. Our add-in, PPTMerge does
this, for example.

You populate your slide(s) with "placeholders" pretty much like the ones you've
described then merge with a data file that looks like e.g.

Bob Newhart
Carol O'Connor
Ted Nugent
Alice B. Toklas

Depending on the options you choose, you can end up with a presntation that
contains one slide per row of data or a new presentation for each row.

More info and free demo at:

Kurt also has a very capable product that does a few other interesting tricks.
Over to you, Kurt. ;-)

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