Excel cut/Paste Problem: Year changes after data is copy and paste



I am using Excel 2003, and here is the problem. I have an Excel sheet that
contains financials. Different departments need different sections of the
data, so I copy and paste out only those sections they need and paste it into
a new Excel sheet. The colums are broken up into dates, and formated to show
date-year (Dec-05). For some reason, when I copy and paste sections, the date
will change, for example Dec-05 will change to Dec-01. I have to go thru and
manually correct all the dates. Can anyone tell me what is causing this?

Gord Dibben


One of the workbooks was saved using the Tools>Options>Calculation>1904 date

The other is using the standard Excel date system.

Looks like source wookbook is using 1904 system.

I would uncheck that option in source book unless there is a compelling reason
to leave it on 1904 date system..

This will change the dates by 4 years and a day.

To resolve this, enter 1462 in an empty cell and copy it then select the dates
and paste special>add>OK>Esc.

Re-format to your preferred date format.

Now copy over to the target workbook.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

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