Excel Crashing



Excel 2003 crashes whenever I try to go to Format >
Cells. And also when I go to Tools > Options and click
on the "Custom Lists" tab.

So far I have tried:

- Uninstalling and reinstalling
- Deleting all *.xb* files
- Deleting default worksheets.

Any suggestions on what can be done?

Thanks in advance.



I was having a similar problem with Excel 2002 (Office XP
Professional). If I tried to format a cell (Font, Bold,
Italic) from the Formatting toolbar, Excel would crash.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but that did not
help. What did help was removing the Formatting toolbar
and then reinstalling the toolbar when I restarted
Excel. I moved the toolbar down to the same row as some
other toolbars and voila! Maybe this helps.


Thanks for the tip, but that didn't work either. I'm not having any
problems on the toolbar, just when I go into actual menu items (ie format


I was having a similar problem with Excel 2002 (Office XP
Professional). If I tried to format a cell (Font, Bold,
Italic) from the Formatting toolbar, Excel would crash.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but that did not
help. What did help was removing the Formatting toolbar
and then reinstalling the toolbar when I restarted
Excel. I moved the toolbar down to the same row as some
other toolbars and voila! Maybe this helps.

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I am having this same problem with Tools and Options in
Windows 97 Excel and I can't even access the Custom Lists
as it crashes as soon as I go to Options. I am not at all
technically savvy so would appreciate an answer
in "Dummies" language.

Thanks, Kim

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