excel changes my formula



The formula in column F of my worksheet is =SUM(A1:C1)
It recalculates the value as I enter date into these columns. As soon as I
enter date in columns D, E, or F, the formula is changed to inlcude them.

I total these in column G =SUM(D1:F1)

Why is my formula being changed and how can I stop it?

David Biddulph

You'll need to explain your problem again. What is happening that you think
shouldn't happen? In what way is your formula changing? If your column F
formula is SUB(A1:C1) then I would expect it to recalculate as you enter
data into those cells, and that's what you say is happening.

I'm confused by your reference to columns D, E, or F, when you say that the
formula is changed to include them. Are you still referring to the formula
in column F? What does that formula now say?

If you have a formula that says =SUM(A1:C1), then one way in which I would
expect the formula to be changed would be if you were to insert new cells
between A1 and C1, as in that case if you move C1 to the right it will
change its reference.

Tell us exactly what has happened.

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