Excel cell question



hello: I am trying to divide up my cell from top right corner to bottom left
corner, how do i do that that would allow me to enter numbers there?

Gord Dibben

Excel has no provision to do this.

Manually you can enter the numbers as text with spaces between.

Then use the interior slanted border or play with the line tool from the drawing

Either way, the numbers will be text only and not usable for calculations.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


This is not an ordinary case for Excel. Strictly for Display purposes, you
can create the diagonal by doing Right-click > FormatCells > BorderTab > and
selecting the Diagonal Icon..........then you can enter your first value in
the cell normally, but before pressing enter, hold down the Alt key, then
press enter, then type in several spaces before finally typing in your
second value and then pressing Enter.........the cell should "appear" as
you want, but is virtually useless for performing further calculations

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

Dave Peterson

You've gotten answers on how to do it.

But don't do it.

Use two cells. If you ever want to do anything with that data (sort/filter/or
even do arithmetic), you'll find that it wasn't worth the trouble.

Gord Dibben

Excellent caveat Dave


You've gotten answers on how to do it.

But don't do it.

Use two cells. If you ever want to do anything with that data (sort/filter/or
even do arithmetic), you'll find that it wasn't worth the trouble.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


It's Probably good advice not to use this condition as a general rule.
However, there is really nothing stopping the OP from using it at will. The
configuration can be sorted,..... it can be filtered using the AutoFilter,
.......one can do arithmetic on it......and one can use formulas to get the
upper and lower numbers in place..........just not all in the regular
manners one would normally do these things.

If one has a special circumstance where the end user is much more at home
with a display of this nature, than one which is more conventional to Excel,
then the end may very well justify the means.

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

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