Excel Cell Format



I have an Excel working document where I store all of my vital data, such as
logon name, passwords, credit card and bank account numbers, etc, etc.

Unfortunaly I have ran into a problem that I cannot solve.

My personal Visa credit card number (last digit) ends in the numeric number
9. Everytime I enter the full credit card number into my Excel Date storage
document it changes the number to "ZERO" when I navigate away from the cell.
I have tried every format that I can think of but cannnot solve this problem.

Help PLEASE!!!!!


Thanks for the suggestion, but I currently use RoboForm and like it very well.

However this Excel document is something I have built for years and years
and even though most of the data in now in RoboForm, I still keep it up to

I might add this problem did not occur unitl I started using Office Pro 2007

Bob Phillips

But seriously, Excel is not secure, and if you have stuff like credit card
and bank account details you should use something else. KeePass encrypts it
all. Is Roboform similar to KeePass?


Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)

Bob Phillips

BTW, to answer your initial question, format the cc cell as text, or precede
with ' (a single apostrophe).


Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)


Bob ---- Thanks for both of your responses. I'm not familiar with KeePass,
but will investigate it and see what the differences are between it and

I have used and do use the ' apostrophe solution, but was hoping their was
another way to format the cell so I could store longer numbers.

I hate to say this, but I do know that Excel is not necessiarly secure, but
I have done everything humanly possible to protect the file and my computer.
I'm what you would call a "SECURITY FREAK". Having said that I do realize
that the best of the those folks our their who want to hurt you and get data
from you have many deviious ways to do so!!!!!!

Bob Phillips

lfessler said:
Bob ---- Thanks for both of your responses. I'm not familiar with KeePass,
but will investigate it and see what the differences are between it and

I took a look at RoboForm, and the biggest difference is that KeePass is
free. It seems that RoboForm has some extra functions for using tyhat data

I have used and do use the ' apostrophe solution, but was hoping their was
another way to format the cell so I could store longer numbers.

I don't think, just seems a limitation of Excel's arithmetic engine.
I hate to say this, but I do know that Excel is not necessiarly secure, but
I have done everything humanly possible to protect the file and my computer.
I'm what you would call a "SECURITY FREAK". Having said that I do realize
that the best of the those folks our their who want to hurt you and get data
from you have many deviious ways to do so!!!!!!

Unfortunately with Excel you don't have to be the best or even devious, it
is EASY.


Bob --- The following is my answer from RoboForm support concerning security.

""Your Identities and Passcards are encrypted using AES, BlowFish, RC6 or
3DES algorithm and the encryption / decryption key is generated from the
Master Password. This encryption method makes your data very secure and even
if hackers come into possession of your Identity and Passcard files, they
will have to crack one of these encryption algorithm without knowing the key
which is considered impossible. By default AES encryption is used.""

I'm very comfortable with that response, and I like the way it functions.
Very easy to use and it does not require a degree in "Rocket Science" to
understand the operation.

Bob Phillips


It was Excel that I was saying was easy, not RoboForm. I don't know RoboForm
well enough to know, but looking at the website, I assumed it would have
encryption of that sort of level.


Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)


Bob --- I understand your comments, I was just pointing our that I'm
comfortable with RoboForm and frankly my comments about "Rocket Science" was
made as a result of my wife stating that is was easy for her to use and for
my wife to make a statement like that is rather unusual.

I basically comfortable with Excel and have used it for years. Used to use
it daily before I retired, but I'm a bit rusty now as I really don't have
many challenges for good spread sheets like I used to do. Also my memory is
not what it used to be and I had forgot about the 15 digit rule, but as I
said I do use the ' apostrophe method.

Not to bore you, but my wife's computer (that she used to have) came with
Works 6.0 installed a few years back (three or four as I recall) and Works
Spread sheet does not have that restriction if my memory serves me correctly.

In any event thank you for all of your comments and suggestions enjoyed
communicating with you.

Mike G

Just to add a note from the Excel Help file; "15-digit limit Regardless of
the number of digits displayed, Excel stores numbers with up to 15 digits of
precision. If a number contains more than 15 significant digits, Excel
converts the extra digits to zeros (0)." So it is not just because your CC
ends in a "9"....and number will do that.... Mike

Bob Phillips


Me too. I have never used Works, so I can't make any comment on that.

If you are getting rusty, hang out in these forums, and use your experience
and knowledge to help others. You never know, you might get addicted <g>.


Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)


Mike --- You are 100% correct, I had forgot about that. My business days
have been over for sometime and my memory is not what is used to be, since I
retired a few years ago. Used to use Excel almost every day, now maybe once
or twice a month and that is just to kind of fool around so I don't forget
everything I used to know.

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