excel calculate problem, (try to refer to defined names?)



I have made an excel sheet as an example

All I want to do is when select the month in the drop down combo, add
up the next month and the rest off the cells the same so it this
example when selecting Januari it will be Januari(A8:A13) plus Februari
(B8:B13) and get the results underneath the result list as: F8=A8 + B8
and F9=A9+B9 and so on.
I Think there must be a simple way to display this but I don't know how
to refer in VBA to the Defined names (or how you call them) I have set
this but how do I use them in the code?

In column G you can see what it supose to do when Jan is selected



| Attachment filename: test ref.zip |
|Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=360800|

Tushar Mehta

Maybe, someone else, especially from the excelforum web site, will look
at the file and provide you with a solution. However, I, for one, am
not inclined to follow a Usenet newsgroup post link to a zipped file on
a web site, download it, unzip it, and finally open an XL file that
*might* contain macros.

If you do not yet have the solution you want, consider describing the
problem in the text of the message -- without attaching a file.


Tushar Mehta, MS MVP -- Excel
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions

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