Excel Backup Location



Excel has a function, everytime when I save the file, it will create a
backup. However, does anyone know how could I specify the location for my
backup file? Thank you very much.

Dave Peterson

Excel uses the same folder as the workbook.

You can't change this. But you could write your own macro that would save the
file in multiple locations.


Dave, just for my curiosity.......could you take this one step further?
you could write your own macro that would save the
file in multiple locations.

All I need is a Yes or No answer (no code necessary!), could this be done
with VBA:

Do an on save event procedure that verifies the active file was saved as a
backup, copies it to a new location then deletes the backup in the default

I need to learn me some VBA!


Dave Peterson


You could use an application event that looks for any workbook being saved (not
relying on autosave or autorecovery) and saves a copy of the file anywhere you

You could also use an individual workbook's _beforesave event that does the same

Or you could just create macro that saves the file and also creates a backup

Then assign that macro to a shortcut key and use that whenever you wanted a

(I like the last technique best.)

Dave Peterson


Jan Karel Pieterse wrote an addin (works in any version) called AutoSafe (note

It doesn't overwrite the existing workbook when it saves. It saves to a user
selectable folder. And when it's done, it either deletes these backups (or puts
them in the recycle bin). And the user can always restore the backups from the
recycle bin.

(look for AutoSafe.zip, not autosafeVBE.zip, for your purposes.)

Jan Karel's version will know if there was a crash and prompt you to open the
last version it saved.

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