Excel Automation Problem




I am having a problem automating excel on a machine where a user is
actively using excel. From my chosen programming application i can
createobject("excel.application") and this works create, but I want to
keep this instance of excel and the one the user might instigate by
loading a spreadsheet seperate. I have initially achieved this by
modifiying the file assocation so that excel behaves more like word
when opening a file. i.e. that each spreadsheet opens in its own
instance of excel.

This in itself has raised more issues, so I want to explore an
alternative. Is it possible for me to duplicate the excel.exe to say
myexcel.exe and modifiy or create a new registry entry so that either
issuing createobject("excel.application") or
createobject("myexcel.application") would use the 2nd duplicated exe
leaving the original excel.exe to work as microsoft intended ???



Dave Peterson

Why not just keep the instance of excel you created hidden. The user would have
to do something special to find it and unhide it.


It is hidden, they dont have to do anything special to unhide it. All
they need to do is double click on a spreadsheet and it comes to the

Dave Peterson

Ooh. I see.

This seemed to work ok when I used it from MSWord (with a reference to Excel):

Option Explicit
Sub testme()

Dim xlApp As Object

Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.application")
xlApp.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("a1").Value = "hi there"

xlApp.IgnoreRemoteRequests = True

End Sub

Dave Peterson

Ps. You didn't ask for this, but I keep a shortcut to a file named UnHide.vbs
in case I screw up stuff while testing (so I can unhide those hidden

Just copy it into notepad and save it with the extension .vbs

dim myXL
On Error Resume Next
Set myXL = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
If Err.Number = 429 Then
msgbox "Excel is not running"
myxl.visible = true
end If
On Error GoTo 0
Set myxl = nothing

dim myWord
On Error Resume Next
Set myWord = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
If Err.Number = 429 Then
msgbox "Word is not running"
myWord.visible = true
end If
On Error GoTo 0
Set myWord = nothing

dim myOutlook
On Error Resume Next
Set myOutlook = GetObject(, "outlook.Application")
If Err.Number = 429 Then
msgbox "Outlook is not running"
myOutlook.visible = true
end If
On Error GoTo 0
Set myOutlook = nothing

Dave Peterson

One more ps.

This setting is doing the same as
tools|Options|general tab|checking "ignore other applications"

It may make it so that double clicking on that file in windows explorer won't
work at all. Opening Excel and doing File|open will still work.

And it's a setting you'll want to change back to what the user had when you're



Thanks for all this its great, I have tried your suggestions and here
is what I found.

I put the default office file association settings back.
I run my application which creates an instance of Excel.
I minimize this app.
I double click on a spreadsheet and as before it opens in the instance
of excel which i have created.

I started again, I added into my application the ignoreremoterequest
when it creates its instance of excel.
I run my application.
I double click on a spreadsheet and it correctly ignores my instance
and creates another instance, but it doesn't load the spreadsheet!

Any more thoughts ?



Dave Peterson

That's one of the problems of using that setting. I don't know away around it
except for starting excel and then File|Open.


Thanks for all this its great, I have tried your suggestions and here
is what I found.

I put the default office file association settings back.
I run my application which creates an instance of Excel.
I minimize this app.
I double click on a spreadsheet and as before it opens in the instance
of excel which i have created.

I started again, I added into my application the ignoreremoterequest
when it creates its instance of excel.
I run my application.
I double click on a spreadsheet and it correctly ignores my instance
and creates another instance, but it doesn't load the spreadsheet!

Any more thoughts ?




I have decided to stick with my registry hack to set the file
association to open a new instance of excel when a spreadsheet is
double clicked. see how it goes ... thanks for your input there has
been a couple of gems in that unhide code which i will use.



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