Excel automatically divides by 1000!


Ed Bailey


I'm using excel from office '98 on a macG4 running OSX.

No matter how I play about with the cell format, any
number I enter gets divided by 1000. So, for example, if I
input '2' the cell displays (and calculates with) 0.002
(or 2.00E-03, or whatever the format is). I can get around
the display issues by formatting as text (no good for
calculations), or by inputting '2000' if I want '2'

All this is frustrating - does anyone have a better way?

Cheers, Ed.

Trevor Shuttleworth


Check Tools | Options and on the Edit Tab check the value of Fixed Decimal.
If it is checked and the value is other than 0, you'll get decimal places.
Set it to zero and/or uncheck it. (I can only check this in Excel 2000 so
it may be slightly different)



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