Excel - applying formulas to data copied from internet explorer



Hi Rohit!

That data you pasted is text. It has unseen characters
embeded in the numbers you see. The character is one I've
never seen before. It looks like this: '''

You're data may look like this: 198.18

But Excel see's this: 198.1'''

I'm not sure how to get rid of that. Everything I tried

CLEAN() failed, TRIM() failed. The only way I could get it
to convert was use a formula like this:

=LEFT(G6,LEN(G6)-1) and then copy an MT cell and paste
special add.

So, to sum it up, I don't have a real solution. sorry



Hi Rohit!

You can still do calculations on "text numbers" since all
your formulas are doing is simple subtraction:



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