Excel and Powerpoint?


Linn Kubler


We use Office 2003 standard on Windows XP computers. All the computers are
P4 2GHz machines with 1GB RAM. I have one user who has a problem with
running Excel and Power Point at the same time. She can never demonstrate
to the problem to me but says that they simply shutdown. No error messages
or any indication why, they just go away and she looses her work. I've
rebuilt the computer, from scratch, twice now and the problem persists.

Any ideas what could cause this and why only one user has the problem?

Thanks in advance,

P.S. Oh, all patches have been applied and Office is on sp3.

Harlan Grove

Linn Kubler said:
We use Office 2003 standard on Windows XP computers. All the
computers are P4 2GHz machines with 1GB RAM. I have one user who
has a problem with running Excel and Power Point at the same time.
She can never demonstrate to the problem to me but says that they
simply shutdown. No error messages or any indication why, they
just go away and she looses her work. I've rebuilt the computer,
from scratch, twice now and the problem persists.

Any ideas what could cause this and why only one user has the

Have you checked this user's event log?

Have you run memory (RAM) and harddisk diagnostics on this user's PC?

These two steps should have PRECEDED rebuilding the software install.

Does this user have a personal.xls file with macros in it?

Linn Kubler

Harlan Grove said:
Have you checked this user's event log?

Have you run memory (RAM) and harddisk diagnostics on this user's PC?

These two steps should have PRECEDED rebuilding the software install.

Does this user have a personal.xls file with macros in it?

Yes, I checked the user's event log and nothing gets logged.

Yes, I have run hardware diagnostics on the memory, the hard drive is a
server that appears to be running fine. This is a relatively new computer,
I upgraded her to try and fix this problem last year on a different

No, the user does not have a personal.xls file with macros in it, she
doesn't know how to create macros that I know of. Not sure what a
personal.xls is though.

I have suspected a corrupted Excel workbook or Power Point file but the user
insists it's not repeatable and she can't see a pattern. She does admit
that her workbooks are often contain dozens of worksheets and that her Power
Point presentations might have up to 80 pages. We do have a business
application, written in Java, that is a huge resource hog and the user did
say this morning that she sometimes gets messages about the page file being
full. I'm now wondering if more memory is in order.

I'm sort of at a loss to explain it, wish it was more repeatable.


Linn Kubler

Harlan Grove said:
Have you checked this user's event log?

Have you run memory (RAM) and harddisk diagnostics on this user's PC?

These two steps should have PRECEDED rebuilding the software install.

Does this user have a personal.xls file with macros in it?

Ok, I looked into it and the user does not have a personal.xls file in the
xlstart folder of the computer and doesn't have rights to publish to that
directory. So I don't think that's the issue.


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