Excel and Pivot Tables



I am having a problem, I am new to the Pivot Tables in Excel. Here is my same

username field Count field
user1 12
user2 2
user4 4

I have been able to create a pivot table that will show me all the users,
there count field, and then a grand total of 18 for the count field. However
what I really need to do is count the number of users that have a value in
the count field.

Does anyone have any suggestions for me? When I go into the field settings
it is performing a count but a count on the value in the count field.

Thank you,

Peo Sjoblom

From the dropdown in the count field deselect Blank
Now your grand total should be 3 (using your example)

Roger Govier

Hi Michelle

Drag your count Field to the Data area a second time, then set the field to
be Count instead of Sum.
Drag the Data button and drop on the Total , and you will have the data side
by side with a Sum of 18 and a Count of 3


Thank you for the response, however I am unsure where Blank is.

In the PivotTable Field window I only have visible options

SourceField Name Count field
Summarize by - which Count is selected
Show data as: Normal
Base field - User Name

Where do I find the option for blank?

Thank you


Thanks for this, however I must be not understanding this correctly. I
tried to drag the Count Field back in for a second time.

Some more data:

I actually have three fields


My table currently is this:

In the row field is is the department but a count of username
Then I have a month drop column field
In the Drop Data items sections it populates with the number 18. This is
the total count from the data below. I need the data items to display the
number of users that have a value - which is 3 in the example.

How this make sense, I wish I could post a screen capture of the pivot table
it has created.

Roger Govier

Hi Michelle

In case you are still monitoring this thread.
Unfortunately I have been offline for a couple of weeks with illness.
I am not understanding your problem.
If you wish to mail me a copy of your file direct, I will try to resolve the
issue for you.
To mail direct, use
roger at technology4u dot co dot uk
Do the obvious with at and dot.

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