Excel: A document with the name is already open



This simple Excel automation from Access (both '97) is giving me

1. I do an OutputTo or a TransferSpreadsheet.
2. I use Automation to carry out one manipulation with Excel
3. I save the workbook and close the workbook and quit Excel.

However, when I run Excel and open the workbook directly, I am still
getting the "Document already open" dialog. I can't see Excel in
TaskManager Apps or Processors before I launch Excel manually.

Any help appreciated.


============ Code below: ================

DoCmd.OutputTo ObjectType:=acTable, _
objectname:=kstrTempTablename, _
outputformat:="MicrosoftExcel(*.xls)", _
Outputfile:=strFQN, _

If fIsAppRunning("Excel") Then
Set objXL = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
boolXLwasThere = True
Set objXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
boolXLwasThere = False
End If

objXL.Workbooks.Open strFQN

Set objWBK = objXL.Workbooks(1)



objWBK.Close SaveChanges:=False

Set objWBK = Nothing

If Not boolXLwasThere Then
End If

Set objXL = Nothing

====== End Code ===============

Jim Rech

Your Excel file associations may not be right. Toy correct this, from
Start->Run enter "Excel.exe /regserver" (w/o quotes, there is a space before
the slash).

| This simple Excel automation from Access (both '97) is giving me
| problems:
| 1. I do an OutputTo or a TransferSpreadsheet.
| 2. I use Automation to carry out one manipulation with Excel
| 3. I save the workbook and close the workbook and quit Excel.
| However, when I run Excel and open the workbook directly, I am still
| getting the "Document already open" dialog. I can't see Excel in
| TaskManager Apps or Processors before I launch Excel manually.
| Any help appreciated.
| Ananda
| ============ Code below: ================
| DoCmd.OutputTo ObjectType:=acTable, _
| objectname:=kstrTempTablename, _
| outputformat:="MicrosoftExcel(*.xls)", _
| Outputfile:=strFQN, _
| Autostart:=False
| If fIsAppRunning("Excel") Then
| Set objXL = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
| boolXLwasThere = True
| Else
| Set objXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
| boolXLwasThere = False
| End If
| objXL.Workbooks.Open strFQN
| Set objWBK = objXL.Workbooks(1)
| objWBK.Worksheets(1).Cells.EntireColumn.AutoFit
| objWBK.Save
| objWBK.Close SaveChanges:=False
| Set objWBK = Nothing
| If Not boolXLwasThere Then
| objXL.Quit
| End If
| Set objXL = Nothing
| ====== End Code ===============


Hi Jim,

Many thanks for this. It worked. I was going barmy, trying Access
OutputTo or TransferSpreadsheet or removing both and just using
Automation. In fact, just before reading your reply, I even managed to
make the error dialog appear even after a reboot - which points to the
problem not being associated with an Excel process-in-memory issue, but
something else.

What did you twig onto the fact that it was an associations problem?

Thanks again.


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