Excel 97 Workbook_Open problem




I have a problem with xl 97. I have the following code in m
workbook_open event:-

Private Sub workbook_open()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Call CheckMacrosEnabled 'Sets all the sheets to be visible
Call Toolbar
Call UpdateContents
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Cover Sheet").Select
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Public Sub CheckMacrosEnabled() - is just a simple function that loop
through all the pages and then sets the sheets to be visible.

This works fine in XP.

In xl 97, on open, the CheckMacrosEnabled subroutine is called, but i
unable to set the visible state of the sheets (from 2 to -1). However
once the workbook is open, by running the workbook_open event from th
VBA editor CheckMacrosEnabled is called and can make the sheet

The line ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Cover Sheet").Select should also give a
error as it cannot make any of the sheets visible, and so the cove
sheet is hidden and so this should give an error but doesn't.

Just wondered if anyone could shed any light on this? Thanks i


Jim Rech

I can't duplicate the problem. This code runs fine for me under Excel 97:

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
End Sub

Sub ShowSheets()
Dim Counter As Integer
For Counter = 2 To 4
Worksheets("Sheet" & Counter).Visible = True
End Sub

I saved the workbook with sheets 2-4 very hidden. Does this run for you?
If so maybe there are other things your code is doing that causes the

Jim Rech
Excel MVP
| Hi,
| I have a problem with xl 97. I have the following code in my
| workbook_open event:-
| Private Sub workbook_open()
| Application.ScreenUpdating = False
| Call CheckMacrosEnabled 'Sets all the sheets to be visible
| Call Toolbar
| Call UpdateContents
| ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Cover Sheet").Select
| Application.ScreenUpdating = True
| End Sub
| Public Sub CheckMacrosEnabled() - is just a simple function that loops
| through all the pages and then sets the sheets to be visible.
| This works fine in XP.
| In xl 97, on open, the CheckMacrosEnabled subroutine is called, but is
| unable to set the visible state of the sheets (from 2 to -1). However,
| once the workbook is open, by running the workbook_open event from the
| VBA editor CheckMacrosEnabled is called and can make the sheets
| visible.
| The line ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Cover Sheet").Select should also give an
| error as it cannot make any of the sheets visible, and so the cover
| sheet is hidden and so this should give an error but doesn't.
| Just wondered if anyone could shed any light on this? Thanks in
| advance,
| Richard
| --
| cassidyr1
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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