Excel 97 - VB question


Old Car

I have a form with some textboxes on it (textbox1 and textbox2). When the
user tabs from textbox1 to the textbox2, I validate the contents of the
textbox1 in the textbox1_AfterUpdate event handler. If the content textbox1
is invalid, I want to keep the cursor in textbox1, rather than tabbing to

I have tried using textbox1.SetFocus method in the textbox1_AfterUpdate and
textbox2_Enter event handlers. Neither worked.

What is a good way to do this? Thanks.


you can use the textbox's Exit event...

Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
If TextBox1.Text = "X" Then
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub

Old Car

Thanks. Using that technique, I find that closing the window causes that
event to fire. Is there a way to test for the fact that the Exit event is
firing because a "Close" button is being selected?

Bob Phillips

Here is a technique that Rob Bovey posted some time ago. It is a kludge as
Rob says, but it may work for you

There's no direct way to do this. I created a workaround for one project
where I needed to do this, but it was very clunky. As a rule, I always hide
the first row and column of worksheets in my projects. This gives me scratch
space to work in and is required for this solution to work (at least the
hidden first column is required in this case).

In my hidden first column I placed the number 1 in every cell of the
area the user might interact with (let's say A1:A100). Then in cell A101 I
placed the formula


and gave it the range name "CheckInsert". In cell A102 I placed the *array
formula* (entered with Ctrl+Shift+Enter)


and gave it the range name "FindInsert".

Each time the worksheet_calculate event fired, I would check the
CheckInsert cell. If it contained any number other than zero, I would know
the user had inserted a row, and how many they had inserted. The FindInsert
range would then contain the number of the row where the insert began.

I would then turn off calculation, take the action I needed to take, add
1s into the just-inserted rows, and turn calculation back on. You can extend
this general method to include finding deletions by using sequentially
numbered cells in the first column, rather than 1s.

Rob Bovey, MCSE
The Payne Consulting Group



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Dave Peterson

Are you using a msgbox to tell the user that the textbox is invalid? If yes,
maybe you could move that message to a label right near the textbox.

If the user closes the userform, the label gets updated, but it's pretty quick
and probably not noticeable. But the good thing is that it won't disturb the
user with another msgbox.

Old Car

Thank you for your suggestion. Yes, I use a message box to tell the user
the content of textbox1 is invalid. I would prefer using a messsage box
rather than a label. Is there a way I can detect within textbox1_Exit that
the window is being closed, and therefore the message box should not be

Bob Phillips

Sorry, answering another question. I have found it now, so will go and post
there :)


Dave Peterson

This might work...

Option Explicit
Dim BlkProc As Boolean
Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
If BlkProc = True Then Exit Sub
If IsNumeric(Me.TextBox1.Value) Then
MsgBox "nope"
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
If CloseMode = vbFormControlMenu Then
BlkProc = True
End If
End Sub

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