Excel 2007



How do I make the file size in Excel 2007 smaller? Even a spreadsheet
without anything in it is 6MB...

Can anyone help??


Bernard Liengme

I saved a workbook with just the value 1 in A1
The xlsx version is 7.69 KB (kilobytes)
The xls version (XL97/XL2003 compatible) is 16.5 KB
Try again and let us know the result
best wishes


Yes, that does work, thanks... BUT as soon as I paste any data, or create
new data... the file seems to explode to 7mb...

Am I doing something wrong?



These days it seems we probably need more than a reference to file size with
all the new Office file formats. So, what file format are you saving the
file in? .xlsx, .xlsm or something else?

I just opened Excel 2007, turned right around and saved the default workbook
and checked size on disk and it was only 8KB (.xlsx file type).

Is this happening with all newly created Excel files for you? Did this book
maybe have a lot of data in it that you've gotten rid of? Or thought you
did, but maybe something in Excel 2007 UsedRange is making it save room for
all the data you've deleted?


It doesn't seem to happen all the time, but regularly.... I'll email you a
sample file if you'd be willing to look at it and see why it's so large????



That would be fine:
Help From @ jlathamsite.com
without spaces will get it to me.



That would be fine:
Help From @ jlathamsite.com
without spaces will get it to me.


- Show quoted text -

I'm having this issue as well and haven't been able to find out any
solution. I just got Excel 2007 a few days ago and have been doing
everything in compatibility mode as no one else in my office has
2007. When I open a 2003 spreadsheet, modify it, and save it as a new
2003 spreadsheet, the file size is very large. For example, one of my
files was 1.6MB in size the last time I saved it using Excel 2003.
After making three revisions in Excel 2007 (always saving as a new
file in 2003 format), the size is 24MB. I just worked on another file
that was about 3.5MB when using Excel 2003, and after three revisions,
it is 11.5MB. I resaved this same file, making no changes at all, to
the 2007 format (xlsx), and the size is 2.5MB (smaller than my
original file). Is there something I can do differently when I save
the file that will decrease the file size? I email several excel
reports out, and I'd rather not send files this big.

Thank you,


Frankly, I'm just at a total loss in trying to explain all of this.

What happens to that last file (the one saved as .xlsx at 2.5MB) if you open
it in Excel 2007 and simply save it back out as 2003 compatible? I'm not
asking because it will help me figure anything out - as I said, I'm at a
loss. But I think that it just might give some insight as to when/how files
are increasing in size. Going from 1.6MB to 24MB with just 3, I presume
reasonable, revisions seems incredibly wrong.

Now you say you're always saving the revised file as a new file (different
filename) and it keeps growing. That kind of hints that it may be building
on the 'shell' it keeps adding to make it compatible, which would be a bug as
far as I'm concerned. That is to say, perhaps it's replicating all of
whatever it puts into a file to make it compatible over and over - I just
don't know, because I really don't know how it sets things up in the
multi-version compatible format.


Frankly, I'm just at a total loss in trying to explain all of this.

What happens to that lastfile(the one saved as .xlsx at 2.5MB) if you open
it inExcel2007 and simply save it back out as 2003 compatible? I'm not
asking because it will help me figure anything out - as I said, I'm at a
loss. But I think that it just might give some insight as to when/how files
are increasing insize. Going from 1.6MB to 24MB with just 3, I presume
reasonable, revisions seems incredibly wrong.

Now you say you're always saving the revisedfileas a newfile(different
filename) and it keeps growing. That kind of hints that it may be building
on the 'shell' it keeps adding to make it compatible, which would be a bug as
far as I'm concerned. That is to say, perhaps it's replicating all of
whatever it puts into afileto make it compatible over and over - I just
don't know, because I really don't know how it sets things up in the
multi-version compatible format.

- Show quoted text -

I did try that with same file above (save as .xlsx and save back
to .xls). Here is the progression. Original file 3.5MB. 1st saved
file in 2007 (as .xls) 4.6MB. 2nd saved file 8.7MB. 3rd saved filed
11.5MB. Saved same exact file as .xlsx and it was 2.5MB. Resaved
exact same file as .xls and it was 8.2MB (3MB smaller). I will keep
playing with this on my end to see if I can reduce the file size in
other ways.


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