Excel 2007 VBA-XLL macro speed slow



I have a workbook that calls several custom XLL's and has many custom VBA
procedures. In Excel 2003, the calculation speed with graphs is 10X Excel
2007. After reading the forum posts, I deleted all the graphs - still the
same slow execution speed.

The only other difference I saw was the "4 processors" running for
multi-threading. So I disabled it. The calculation speed is much faster now
in 2007, but still only about 1/3 of Excel 2003.

Has anyone else seen this? I am running a Mac Pro (Bootcamp XP).

Also, I noticed the calculation speed was actually FASTER (slightly) when
running under Win XP, Parallels VM! Ideally it should run slower. Go figure.


Well, the multithreading is the main problem as timed tests with long runs
show Excel 2007 to be only 25% slower than 2003 with multithreading off.

My advice: disable multithreading and see if your VBA code is much faster. I
assume this only helps VBA code that calls dll or xll files.

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