Excel 2007 Beta Cut and Paste



Made a spreadsheet, high light the data, Ctrl-C to copy.
attempted to paste the data into an webpage program Ctrl-V but does not work
in MS Excel 2007 Beta.

Have been doing the same procedure for years without difficulty.

Open my Excel XP and carried out the task without any problems.

Not sure why but all you get is a dot at the cursor no xfer of data.
Has anyone else encountered this problem?


I encountered pretty much the same problem. There still seem to be quite a
few bugs with copy and paste from Excel to other programs.
I also had a problem when trying to copy paste graphs and data from Excel
2007 to Word/PPT 2007. The graphs would be blank, fonts all over the place
and arrows would not be where the had been in the Excel graph.
All worked easily under Office XP for me too.
Hope this helps.

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