Excel 2007 and missing(?) interpolate Chart option




Is there anyone here who knows whether the interpolation function in the
chart options in Excel 2003 was omitted in Excel 2007, or was moved to
somewhere hard to find? If moved, where to?



PS: I know that I can use the =NA() to connect the gaps in the line-graphs,
but the chart option does that automatically to all the missing data points,
and therefore, it was better.

Bernard Liengme

That feature ("function" has a very specific meaning in Excel) is still
there. Follow this path:
click the chart; use Chart Tools|Design|Selected Data; look for button
labelled "Hidden and Empty Cells"; complete dialog box as needed.
best wishes


Thanks a lot Bernard, you saved my sanity :)
When I was looking around trying to find this feature, I bumped into this
place that you mentioned. But for whatever reason, apparently my brain only
registered the "hidden" part, and completely skipped the "empty cells" part.
The funny thing is, besides searching this feature as interpolation, I also
searched about this feature as gap(s) and chart(s), and yet no search
results came out from any Microsoft help resource, and yet, there it is, one
of the radio buttons has Gaps next to it! Sigh...

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