excel 2003 wont sort when shared



I am trying to share a worksheet, i have data in one colomn with a few rows
and then data in another colomn with a few rows. When i go to data sort it
selects the whole worksheet which i do not want, i just want the first colomn
with the rows sorted. When the worksheet is un-shared then the sort function
works fine.
please in desperate need of help, have posted on Mr Excel but no help there.


The following restrictions are in place on a shared workbook; at least
in Excel 2002.

You won't be able to add or change the following: merged cells,
conditional formats, data validation, charts, pictures, objects
including drawing objects, hyperlinks, scenarios, outlines, subtotals,
data tables, PivotTable reports, workbook and worksheet protection, and

This is what is most likely causing the sort to default to the entire
sheet rather than allowing you to sort a limited range.


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