Excel 2003 + macro


Neil Holden

I want to place some code at the start of my macro.

If D34 = no then a message box "Your printer code doesnt match" end macro
else yes run the macro.

Please help.

Mike H


Like this

Set sht = Sheets("Sheet1")
If UCase(sht.Range("D34")) = "NO" Then
MsgBox ("Your printer code doesn't match")
Exit Sub
End If

'Yuor code

When competing hypotheses are otherwise equal, adopt the hypothesis that
introduces the fewest assumptions while still sufficiently answering the

Luke M

If Range("D34").Value = "No" then
MsgBox "Your printer code doesn't match"
Exit Sub
End If

Jacob Skaria

If UCase(Range("D34")) = "NO" Then
MsgBox "Your printer code doesnt match": Exit Sub
End If

'Rest of your macro

Bernard Liengme

Sub Somename()
If UCASE(Range("D4")) = "NO" Then
msgbox "Printer mismatch"
Exit Sub
End If

existing code
End Sub

best wishes

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