Excel 2003 decimal point



Let say i have a macro like below n my regional setting = Dutch(Nerthelands),
the decimal symbol= "," and digit grouping symbol = ".". My excel i set it to
follow the system setting. When i run the macro below, the value return is
"497.000,00" instead of "479,00", is it a bug coz by microsoft 2003? Version
Excel 2002 is running ok

Sub Macro1()
ActiveCell.Value = 479,000
End Sub


I don't have any experience in international settings, but it seems to me
that the issue comes from the fact that VBA settings are not automatically
linked to Excel settings. You are using VBA to specify the value, and it is
obviously interpreting 479,000 as 479.000 (Dutch settings) before it even
gets written into the cell. I don't know if there is a way to set VBA itself
to use international decimal settings; some other Excel person out there may
need to answer that for you.

Tom Ogilvy

VBA works with US English setting, so use

ActiveCell.Value = 479.000

An alternative might be

ActiveCell.FormulaLocal = 479,000

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