Excel 2002 Pivot Table calculation



I have Columns with years designated.
The rows have g/l#, debit amount, credit amount.
They appear one on top of each other.
I need to subtract the debit amount from the credit amount to obtain the net.
Even though the debit and credit amount appear I just need a field called "net". I keep getting #NA in the pivot table field. Do I use and modify one of the debeit or credits fields and insert a formula or can I create a new pivot table field amd delete the debit amount and credit amount fields?

Would appreciate anyone comments or reference to a tutorial.

Debra Dalgleish

On the Pivot toolbar, choose PivotTable>Formulas>Calculated Field
Type Net as the name
In the formula box, type: =Credit-Debit
Click OK

You can remove the debit and credit fields from the pivot table

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