Excel 2002, If Functions Problem



Can someone help me with entering this IF Function.

If Hours<=40, then Gross Pay = Rate * Hours, otherwise Gross Pay = Rat
* Hours + 0.5 * Rate (Hours - 40)

I have attached the worksheet.



Thanks it worked. I was wondering if you could help me with a coupl

If (Gross Pay-Dependents * 38.46) > 0, then Federal Tax = 20% * (Gros
Pay - Dependents * 38.46), otherwise Federal Tax = 0

If Soc. Sec. Tax * Gross Pay + YTD Soc. Sec. > Maximum Soc. Sec., the
Maximum Soc. Sec. - YTD Soc. Sec., otherwise Soc. Sec. Tax * Gross Pay

I really appreciate the help!

Thanks Again!!!!

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