Excel 2002 help




I've been using Excel for years, making spreadsheets for a business,
recording expenditure, income, etc. I'm familiar with most functions within
Excel (currently using Excel 2002), but here's one I hope someone can help
me with.

I have for example, the cash account for 2003. I have separate files for
each month. So January is a separate file from February, etc.

Now what I'd like to do is to carry forward the column/final totals from
January to the start of February.

So lets say the cash account shows a balance of 200 in January, I want that
figure placed as a opening balance for February.

Hope that made sense, and thanks in advance for any help.


(email add is fake please reply in ng)


Type this formula in A1 of your new sheet and it will link back to A1 of
your old sheet.......drag to suit.........adjust as needed


Note: this link requires that the file be where you say it is for all
time.......if MIS moves it and/or renames the directory path, the link is

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

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