Excel 2002 count color



I would like to count the cells that have a value in font color red and not
count the cells in font color black, how can i achieve this?


Hi Mike H, thank you so much, I am very simple at this and have tried to copy
and paste but I have no result, if I want to copy the formula or fuction and
apply to excel where do I paste these long winded functions?

Mike H


OK, here's a very simple one. Alt+F11 to open VB editor. Right click
'ThisWorkbook' and insert module and paste the code below in.

call with


Set the range to suit your. 3 equals red so change that to count a different

Function countcolour(rng As Range, cindex As Integer) As Long
For Each c In rng
If c.Font.ColorIndex = cindex Then
countcolour = countcolour + 1
End If
End Function


Mike H

I should heve mentioned that this doesn't work if the font colour is derived
from a condiitional format.

You can count by conditional format colour but it's not easy. There's a
method on the XLDYNAMIC website but currently it appears to be down

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