Excel 2002 controls move after printing sheet



I have a worksheet with an embedded SpinButton, Label, CommandButton
and CheckBox.

If I choose to Print Preview or if I print, the SpinButton and Label
controls will shift to the left about 150 points. The Button and
CheckBox stay put.

More info:
These are controls from the "Controls" toolbar and not the "Forms"
toolbar. I have checked all the properties for the controls and cannot
find any differences that would be causing this behavior. They all
have .PrintObject = False and are set to 'move but don't size with
cells.' I have a Before_Print event code, but it does not manipulate
the worksheet where these controls are.

This behavior did not occur in Excel 97, but now occurs in Excel 2002.
Any suggestions?



Thanks Tom! I get so hooked into coming straight here for answers that
I overlooked the obvious.


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