Excel 2000 can't open Excel 2003 workbook



I created a "2006" version of a workbook directly from the "2005"
version and saved it on our network. Another person tried to open the
2006 version and it opened as a blank sheet although she was able to
open the 2005 version without problems. I created the spreadsheets in
Excel 2003. She is running Excel 2000. I tried to search for
incompatibility issues on the MS web site with no success. Are there
any known issues?
Thanks for your help!

Dave Peterson

Nope. The file format for xl97 to xl2003 is the same. So any of these versions
should be able to open your file.

I'd try again.

I'd use windows explorer.
traverse to the folder that holds your 2005 workbook
rightclick on that file
find an empty spot on that right hand side
Rename "copy of...." to the name you want for 2006.

Then share that version again.


Thanks for your suggestion, Dave.
Since I wrote my first post I tried deleting the custom views settings
that I had added to the spreadsheet. The other user is now able to
open the file off the network. Why? :confused: I don't know. But I
would like to find out. I'll give your solution a try and see if
something weird happened when I copied the file in the first place.

Dave Peterson

I don't have a guess--but I wouldn't rule out coincidence--and something else
was wrong (not the custom views).

Dave Peterson

Maybe gremlins? ;>)

99-100% of the problems that I find in excel are user errors (mine included).
There's just so much that a user can do that they (er, I) can't keep track of
all the stuff done to try to replicate it.

(Just don't feed them after midnight!)

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