Excel 0 and Blank fields.



I am working on a spreadsheet that is relatively simple, but I need to have
empty cells and cells input with a 0 to give a referenced cell different
values. I have used the following formulas to do this for a cell with a 0
in it but I have found that this interprets an empty cell the same as a cell
with a 0 in it.

Cell C2 Ex.1: =IF (A2+A3=0), " " , SUM (A2:A3)

RESULTS: If I enter a 0 in A2 or A3 or if I leave A2 or A3 empty the
returned value will be blank.

Cell C2 Ex.2: =IF (A2+A3= " " ), " " , SUM (A2:A3)

RESULTS: I get the same results as Ex.1.


Input Data

Output Data



What I need is: IF (A2 AND A3= Blank ) THEN return blank, ELSE SUM (A2:A3)
[even if the value(s) entered into A2 and/or A3 is/are 0 or any combination
of zeros and blanks, I need it to return a 0.]

Thanks for any input.

Bernard Liengme

These seem to satisfy your requirement

(a) SUM(A2:A3) is overkill for A2+A3 unless you need to get a numeric
result even when one cell has text
(b) A cell with a formula such as =IF(MONTH(TODAY()) =3, "", MONTH(TODAY()))
which displays a blank in March will still fail the ISBLANK test because a
cell with a formula is not blank even when it displays a blank (clear?)

best wishes


Thanks all for the info. All 3 formulas seem to proof out correctly. Sorry
for the multiple posts though. I was getting an error message saying it
couldn't connect to the news server.

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