Exceed text limit in a merged cell



If I merge cells from A1 through I20, I can wrap text only through row
11 and not the full 20 rows. Excel appears to have a limit. Is there
a function or macro that will increase the amount of text that can be
entered? Thanks.


KC Rippstein

Instead of merging the cells, concatenate the data into a text box (which
has no character limit).


2 questions: will this print out as part of a document, and how is this
done? Thanks.


KC Rippstein

Yes, it prints. You can even link it to a cell, format its appearance for
printing, etc.

You need to use a macro to accomplish this, which I cannot help you with as
I am a novice at VBA. Someone else might pipe in or you can post this
question to the programming newsgroup.

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