EventBroker in Composite Application Block - Generic way to Raise /Fire Events at Run Time?




This must be quite a common question with CAB's Event Broker - is
there any way to Raise Events dynamically at runtime ?

We would like to remove the hard coding from our "Event Dispatching"
pump along the lines of the following pseudo code:

foreach (message in queue)
// e.g. Message.Topic might be "topic://SomeTopic"
EventBroker.FireEvent(message.Topic, new

The message is a standard format for all "Events"
(We might need to determine whether there are any subscribers to the
"SomeTopic" event - EventBroker again might be able to assist here.

And then in the respective modules, the EventSubscriptions remain "as
they are" (i.e. Design Time)

public void ActionSomeTopic(object sender,
[Data]EventArgs<MessageClass> e)

What we want to avoid is having to manually add new publications to
the dispatcher, i.e. NOT the current :

public event EventHandler<EventArgs<MessageClass>> SomeTopic1Event;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs<MessageClass>> SomeTopic2Event;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs<MessageClass>> SomeTopic3Event;

void Dispatcher()
foreach (message in queue)
switch (message.Topic)
case "SomeTopic1":
if (SomeTopic1Event != null)
SomeTopic1Event(this, new
case "SomeTopic2":
if (SomeTopic2Event != null)
SomeTopic2Event(this, new

A dynamic event raising mechanism would be far more elegant

Thanks in Advance!


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