Event when a specific cell changes




I want to run a macro after a specific cell value changes.
Cell A5 has a dropdown menu from which you have to choose one value.
After selecting I'd like a macro to start.

Have tried Event Workbook_Change but I'm doing something wrong because
it reacts on every cell change.



Dave Peterson

That workbook_Change event is going to fire each time you make a change to the

But you can get out of the procedure as soon as you realize you're not changing
the cell you want to check.

Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

if target.cells.count > 1 then
exit sub 'only one cell at a time
end if

if intersect(target, me.range("A1")) is nothing then
'get out
exit sub
end if

'code to do real stuff here.
End Sub

To check specific cells:
if intersect(target, me.range("A1,c9,x92")) is nothing then
for any cell in column A
if intersect(target, me.range("A:A")) is nothing then

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