Event 3011/3012

  • Thread starter Thread starter Thomas Wendell
  • Start date Start date

Thomas Wendell

Whenever I boot, I get the following in EventViewer/Application:

EventID: 3012 Source LoadPerf
Performance-rekisteriavaimen resurssimerkkijonot ovat virheelliset
laajennuslaskurin prosessissa Performance. Rekisterin BaseIndex-arvo on
ensimmäinen DWORD-arvo, LastCounter-arvo on toinen DWORD-arvo ja
LastHelp-arvo on kolmas DWORD-arvo tieto-osassa.

(The resourcestrings in registrykey Performance's external counter process
Performance. BaseIndex-value is first DWORD-value, LastCounter-value is
second DWORD-value and LastHelp-value is third DWORD-value in the data)

Data is:

0000: 37 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 7.......
0008: 00 00 00 00 ca 03 00 00 ....Ê...

There are two of these and then a:

EventID:3011 Source: LoadPerf

Resurssilaskurimerkkijonojen poistaminen muistista palvelulta WmiApRpl
(WmiApRpl) epäonnistui. Virhekoodi on ensimmäinen indeksi DWORD tietueen

(Removing resourcecounterstrings from memory from service WmiApRpl
(WmiApRpl) failed. Errorcode is first index in DWORD-record data.)


What is this?

(translation from FI most likely not accurate)

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Thanks, will try (in an hour or so...)

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Most learned on nntp://news.mircosoft.com
Helsinki, Finland (remove _NOSPAM)
(translations from FI/SE not always accurate)
Yup, thanks, it worked (at least it didn't come at last boot, rather this:
Palvelun WmiApRpl (WmiApRpl) resurssilaskurien lataaminen onnistui. Tietueen
tiedot sisältävät palvelulle määritetyt uudet indeksiarvot.

Loading of resourcecounter for service WmiApRpl succeeded. Logical record
contains new index values for service)

Though I don't know if I did it right, I just "lodctr /R:*.ini", as there
were a few ini's in system32

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Most learned on nntp://news.mircosoft.com
Helsinki, Finland (remove _NOSPAM)
(translations from FI/SE not always accurate)