errors.log entries and running BOINC Einstein@Home



MS AS "errors.log" shows an out of memory entry like:

7::ln 10:Out of memory::gcasDtServ:ScheduleScans:Update::2005-04-07 08:03:35

after a manual full scan on both my systems (P4 2.4GHz, HT, 1GByte Windows
XP Pro UK, P4 3.2GHz, HT, 1 GByte, Windows XP Home NL)
Similar entries occurred after scheduled scans.

No change after uninstalling MS AS on both systems and doing a fresh

Suspending execution of BOINC Einstein@Home did the trick: no error lines
after manual scan!

Is this normal behaviour?

Gr. Jan

Bill Sanderson

Certainly a large number of logs seem to show such entries. I run another
distributed-computing app, United Devices--and I am not seeing that error,
although I do have a single out-of-memory error in my log.

It isn't clear whether these errors actually correspond to any real problem,
as far as I can see.


if you have large error.log and it has memory entry it
usually means you have more than one window user account
either Administrative privilege or limited account
privilege, which microsoft Antispyware doesn't support
limited account and multi-user account and it only works
on Administrator account these is why you have error.log.
hopefully error.log will isappear when microsoft
antispyware support limited
account and multi user account.


if you have large error.log and it has out of memory
entry it usually means you have more than one window
user account either Administrative privilege or limited
account privilege, which microsoft Antispyware doesn't
support limited account and multi-user account and it
only works on Administrator account these is why you have
error.log. hopefully error.log will isappear when
microsoft antispyware support limited
account and multi user account.


I did use MS AS under an admin account.
After suspending/removing BOINC the error down't occur.

Gr. Jan

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