


I have used "if" functions in some cells and the result is #DIV/0! as the
input cells are blank.

is there any formula or way I can use for the cells to be only blank and
return the result when the input cells have data

Dave Peterson


Anthony Fontana

Try this: =IF(ISBLANK(D4),"",C4/D4) where C4 and D4 contain the numbers in
the formula

Shane Devenshire


How you handle it depends on the complete IF statement. For example in 2007
you might choose to use IFERROR(your formula,result if error)

The problem is there are many reasons IF might return DIV/0:

you are doing a simple division =A1/B1
you are trying to fine the AVERAGE of a range with only 0 values
you are running STDEV, STDEVP, VAR, or VARP against ranges with one cell or
a blank range

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