Error while trying to run project, Final attempt


Kris Desmadryl

Hi all,

I create a new asp project, with just one button on the startup form but
when I run I always get a messagebox with the error : "Error while trying to
run project." That's all what I see in the msgbox, NO EXTRA information. I'm
using visual studio 2003, xp prof
with service pack 2.
Also old asp projects I created doesn ' t run anymore, I get the same error.
The problem doesn't only occur when debugging, it occurs always.
I found on the internet a lot the problem : "Error while trying to run
project: Unable to start debugging on the Web server." But nothing in there
solves my problem. But like I wrote before, I only get the message "Error
while trying to
run project."

The project compiles and even works if I type the URL in IE6.0.

I did not install framework 2.0 Beta.

I already reinstalled, 2003, framework 1.1, IIS, but the problem
I'm already a week stuck with the problem, the problem has to solved today
otherwise I have to reinstall my PC, so please .... HELP




Try this...

1. Please navigate to the .NET version directory on the web server. For

2. Run the following command
aspnet_regiis.exe -i

3. Run the following command

IN essence what you are doing is reinstalling ASP.NET and restarting IIS.
Hope this helps!



Do you have a valid project file called web.config in the URL specified and
is 'debug' set to 'true' in that file?
If not please do so. This should normally correct the problem.
Please do a iisreset again after doing the above.

Kris Desmadryl

I create a new asp project in 2003, and just place a button on it.
I don't change anything on the web.config, 'debug' is set to true.

Are there still other things to check ?


Kris Desmadryl

My error msg doesn't match with one in the list, but nevertheless, I did
already try them all.
My error msg is "Error while trying to run project." and nothing more.
But 1000x thx for your time

Other suggestions ?


Kris Desmadryl

Problem finally solved by reinstalling windows, lucky for me automatically
recovery worked.

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