Error while complation




I have one problem with my LLBGEN assmebly. When I want to compile my
TestProject I have that error:

"Error: The dependency 'SD.LLBLGen.Pro.DQE.SqlServer.NET11,
Version=1.0.2003.2, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ca73b74ba4e3ff27' in
project 'TestApplication' cannot be copied to the run directory because
it would conflict with dependency 'SD.LLBLGen.Pro.DQE.SqlServer.NET11,
Version=1.0.2003.2, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=e7471d8af08e7fd2'."

I know that compilator has proble with two different version of that
assembly but I don't know why and what I have to do.
Could you help me ?

Thank's for all


Hi Boniek
I have one problem with my LLBGEN assmebly. When I want to compile my
TestProject I have that error:

"Error: The dependency 'SD.LLBLGen.Pro.DQE.SqlServer.NET11,
Version=1.0.2003.2, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ca73b74ba4e3ff27' in
project 'TestApplication' cannot be copied to the run directory because
it would conflict with dependency 'SD.LLBLGen.Pro.DQE.SqlServer.NET11,
Version=1.0.2003.2, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=e7471d8af08e7fd2'."

I know that compilator has proble with two different version of that
assembly but I don't know why and what I have to do.
Could you help me ?

It looks that your assemblies uses different versions of one or more
of your libraries.

I had this problem when i have kept more projects in a single solution,
and i have compiled those projects (in VS .NET 2002). Now, i
work with batches and i haven't more than one project in a solution.

Best solution from my point-of-view is to keep single version of
your compiled libraries in single folder and then set references
to those files in that folder. But any compilation on dependent
library you should compile its referencing modules.




It work.

Thank's (dzieki) Marcin

Marcin Grzêbski said:
Hi Boniek

It looks that your assemblies uses different versions of one or more
of your libraries.

I had this problem when i have kept more projects in a single solution,
and i have compiled those projects (in VS .NET 2002). Now, i
work with batches and i haven't more than one project in a solution.

Best solution from my point-of-view is to keep single version of
your compiled libraries in single folder and then set references
to those files in that folder. But any compilation on dependent
library you should compile its referencing modules.



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