Error when Starting *.jar excutible file, Using Remote Desktop




I get this error when I am starting Remote Desktop with the "start the
following program with this connection" box ticked the the fields filled in
with the following;

program path or filename.
C:\Program Files\VASCO\VACMAN Middleware\Bin\admingui.jar
Start in the following folder.
C:\Program Files\VASCO\VACMAN Middleware\Bin

I have checked the filename and folder and they are fine and they work with
i log in without the "start prog" tickbox, and manually start the program rom

Is it beacuse you can only start a *.exe file and not a *.jar??

Thanks for you help.
"An error (193) occurd while creating user logon:
The initial program cannot be started: C:\Program Files\VASCO\VACMAN
Please consult help for more information."


okay figured it out.

I guessed that *.jar file could excute with java so i had to create a bat
file to run the jar file from command promt.

bat file content;
@echo off
Cd\Program Files\VASCO\VACMAN Middleware\Bin\
java -jar -admingui.jar

Worked a treat.

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