Error when calling stored procedure


Christian Auer


When I'm trying to execute the stored
procedures 'sp_dropmergepublication'
or 'sp_addmergepublication' from SQL Server 2000 I'm
recieving this strange exception:

"A severe error occurred on the current command. The
results, if any, should be discarded."

However, the stored procedure worked correctly, beacuse
the Publication is created or dropped.

The error number reported is 0 and the severity level 10.
According the SQL Server 2000 documentation this should be
a message and not an exception.

I tried this on 2 different computers running MSDE, and
get the error only on one. Therefore I think that's more a
configuration problem than a syntax.
But when I try to submit the command with the query
Analyser it work correctly.

Does anyone experience similar problems?
Please Help

Christian Auer

Thanks for you'r urgent answer.

But I'm recieving the parameters and their types from the
CommandBuilder directly from the SQL Server.
Also, it wouldn't explain why it works on one MSDE machine
and on the other not.

The stored procedure expects only one parameter type
sysname, which is interpreted in .NET as nvarchar.

My Problem is that the SQL Server doesn't log this error
in the event log, so the .NET Exception is the only thing
I got.

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