Error when accessing shared drive - "\\<server>\<share> is not accessible"


Curtis Fray

(The server the below relates to is Windows Server 2000 SP4)


I have a rather odd problem with a restored shared folder. One of our
servers died last week and we had to rebuild it and restore the data.
Previously the root data folder was shared as "DATA". However, now that
share name does not work. If I browse to \\<server> the share does appear,
but if I double click it, I get an error saying it's not accessible. If I
give this same folder a different share name I can access it no problem.

Also, if I create a brand new folder and try and share that with the name
"DATA" I get the same problem. It would appear that somewhere in Windows it
has remembered the old share name and will now no longer let me use it.

Can anyone suggest any way to sort this out?




Thanks for the suggestion, but unfortunately that doesn't work.


I found my folder shares in the registry (by search in RegHance):


And in the security folder below that.

I have not tried anything (rather keep everything in working order) but, if
it still exists there, perhaps you can delete that entry.

Curtis Fray


Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately it hasn't resolved the issue.

If I recreate a share with the name "DATA" it appears in the below key
(although still doesn't allow anyone to access it!), and if I remove that
share the key disappears (as you'd expect). It doesn't leave any rogue key.

Still a mystery!

Thanks again,


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