Error Upon Starting



When I try to open an Access file from Microsoft Explorer i get an error
message in access that says
This application must be installed to run. Please run Setup from the
location where you originally installed the application.

Access 2003 is installed on my omputer. What is the problem and how can I
fix it.


So what exactly do I need to install? I thought I completely installed
everything when I installed Office 2003. I still have the installation disk.
Is there a file on there that I need to install again, and if so what is the
name of it?


So what exactly do I need to install? I thought I completely installed
everything when I installed Office 2003. I still have the installation disk.
Is there a file on there that I need to install again, and if so what is the
name of it?


Arvin Meyer

squeakyred said:
So what exactly do I need to install? I thought I completely installed
everything when I installed Office 2003. I still have the installation disk.
Is there a file on there that I need to install again, and if so what is the
name of it?

Lots of things aren't installed by default. When you put in the Office disk
for a reinstall, make sure that all the GUI containers are White and any of
them that you click on read "Run all from my computer"
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
Free Access downloads:


When I put the Microsoft Office 2003 disk in my computer to reinstall I got
an error message that said:
Settings file F:\FILES\SETUPsetuppr.INI is missing or invalid. Please ensure
this file exists and is accessible.

What do I do now?

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